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The Examen: An Ignatian Prayer To See Christ Anew

The Awareness Examen is a prayer of daily reflection based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The primary focus of the Awareness Examen is our felt experiences and how God moves us in our affections.

St. Ignatius presupposed that there were three kinds of thoughts in us. The first are thoughts come from our own mind, and there are two other kinds which come from without. One is of the good spirit, and the other from the enemy. Each

The Awareness Examen teaches us to notice and listen to the stirrings of our hearts and discern what is from God and what is not. It's different from the Examination of Conscience, which focuses on our good and bad actions.

This way, the Awareness Examen can help us see God's hand in our daily-lived experience. It’s a profound prayer of discernment that can transform our lives and lead us to grow in holiness day by day. It helps us to find God in all things.



1. Pray for light.

I want to look at my day with God's eyes, not merely my own.

2. Give thanks.

Look at your day in a spirit of gratitude. Everything is a gift from God.

3. Review the day.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, look back on your day. Pay attention to your experience. Look for God in it.

4. Face your shortcomings.

Face up to failures and shortcomings. Ask forgiveness for your faults. Ask God to show you ways to improve.

5. Look toward the day to come.

I ask where I need God in the day to come.

The Examen of Consciousness: Murphy Center for Ignatian Spirituality at Fairfield University

1. Thanksgiving

Lord, I realize that all, even myself, is a gift from you.

Today for what am I most grateful?

2. Illumination

Lord, open my eyes and ears to be more honest with myself.

Today, what do I really want for myself?

3. Examination

Lord, show me what has been happening to me and in me this day.

Today, in what ways have I experienced your love

4. Contrition

Lord, I am still learning to grow in your love.

Today what choices have been inadequate responses to your love?

5. Hope

Lord, let me look with faith and hope toward the future.

Today, how will I let you lead me to a brighter tomorrow?

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